Can someone make me a thumbnail for my game

oh wait theres my name in that opps wait imma remake smthing rq

You’re not allowed to use direct gimkit images (the parkour one).


The Parkour thumbnail should be replaced
Half of the texts on the images don’t fit in.
The Background doesn’t match
Try to keep one thumbnail font


okay @enoemos and @Kosm0-o
i changed things, and yaa in parkour i put that because i saw some games that also uses it but now i know its not allowed
and @SnoopyOTG new thumbnail,

and thanks @Kosm0-o @enoemos for making improvements


You might want to correct the spelling.

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I can make a thumbnail if it’s not too late!

My past work is in here:
:first_quarter_moon: :new_moon: :last_quarter_moon:

How’d you make the emojis a link :0

Hyperlink then edit the text.

oh that makes sense

my caveman brain can understand, yippie : D

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bro blackjack lol
I have a question.
are you KrishnaVA?


no I’m BLACKJACK >:(


duh duh duuuuuh
now that i realize it they are kinda similar…
also, snoopyotg might not be on for a few days

cool what about him tho

Tbh I didn’t like KrishnaVA much.
he’s rather egotistical and claims to be the “savior of thumbnails”, even though all he did was inform people that thumbnails were allowed.
He didn’t do anything useful for the return of thumbnails.
He didn’t really do anything useful at all, really.
No offense, nice guy, but just annoying and arrogant.


I accept everybody’s art so if you would like to I’ll check it out

I’ve also changed the name of my game to The Epic Gimkit Minigames and I got rid of spleef and parkour and replaced it with different Mini Games but if you already made the thumbnail its ok

In my requirements I said to make one not drawn but if you want to I don’t really care

This good?

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I love it! A little bad quality but that’s ok