Can someone make me a Thumbnail for my 2 WIP games

it is. just do this:
<I think forums is the best ever>
but without the preformatted text.

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thaats like super coolio

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What? Link things in your bio, not here.

Hi @CartoonyCheese I am playing the game rn

mb im just rlly exited


Don’t try to make excuses(link things in ur bio)

bro is going to get flagged💀

srry :frowning:

? what happened?

have you played it yet??

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no, the link don’t work.

go to my profile and try

pretty sure that ain’t allowed
yea prob maybe put it in your bio or on another website

srry should i remove it?

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mb i am srry will you ever forgive me please dont contact the mods please i am begging you idk idk idk (This is a joke btw) PLEASE DONT REPORT ME PELASEASEASESAEASE I AM JUST A CHILD DONT FLAG ME WAHHHHHH

@CartoonyCheese , my Gimkit account still doesn’t have the season ticket. Is there a bug on your side?

huh should i try agian