Can someone make me a Thumbnail for my 2 WIP games

@Sonar-Sam could you please make me a thumbnail no one else is making theirs and its making me sad :frowning:

sure!! it will… take me a while though, I’m in the process of making another thumbnail right now!!

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Okay, Thats fine! Thank you sooooooo much

@NPC_da_CPU if i buy the ticket for you will you make me a tn and make it good please


and could you finish it in like a day?

Yeah, I can try.

TYYYY imma buy it for you now

bought it :DDDDDDDDDD

Tysm! working on the tn

can you check if it went thorught?

okay checking…

did not go though @CartoonyCheese , it might load later, also, its getting late in my time zone so will be offline after some time.

Here @CartoonyCheese

anything I need to change?


could you change the title to "What is this Place [Part 1]

Oops my bad


download (2)
sorry couldn’t resist

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grrrrrrrrr >:( lol XD

get b.o.t.

? wdym also how do you type less then the charecter limit of 20

b.o.t. = Back. On. Topic.
Use this:
<.random letters in here, but no numbers or characters.>
and then remove the periods because if you don’t, it wont work.

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why isnt it working