Can Someone Make Me A BedWars Thumbnail

Oof lol :joy:

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More pings? @Morepeko8, you should put ā€œTHE SUMMONERā€ in your Profile. ANyways, @M13TheCreator Iā€™ll make one! Photoshop or Handdrawn? Due Date?

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Thumnails have become assignmentsā€¦ lol

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ā€¦ Hey, no one can wait forever!

tell dat to the last guy I made a thumbnail for, I got sick and he waited for a weekā€¦

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umm which one are you good at? and thereā€™s no due date take your time :wink:

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im kinda lazy and dont feel like posting my other work n stuff, but u can find it easily. Iā€™m also kindof in India rn on vacation, so I cant make thumbnails or check my email cuz my PC is at home. just wanted to kinda clear the dust. if u can extend the date, ill do it when I get back on the 15th

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WHOAAAA to bad i ran outta likesā€¦.THATS SO COOLL

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So amazing! I love everything about it :).
Btw Iā€™m not able to make bedwars thumbnails lolā€¦

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TYSM @Blizzy Iā€™ll be using it soon!!


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