Can it have a school in a war with legendary gims fighting?
wait for people to finish
oh my bad I will let u finish
its ok
but you made a topic already
oh nvm i gtg ok bye ill check post in a bit
No code are allowed @Belu-mom
ok sorry man i didnt know
It’s okay Dude just saying. =D
i just use this sometimes that’s why i didn’t know
and welcome to da forms
thx man good to know wouldn’t want to get banned
sooooo about that…
no you won’t just be careful next time.
is this copy right btw?
cuz i got banned for it once
where did u get it (look at my bio too btw)
i made it ok sorry if you think i stole it but i didnt I mean I got a lot of it off the web
As long as you change 70% of it you will be fine.
+I dont even think that image is copyrighted, but you will be fine (i think)
bump and mark a solution if found
athors suspended