Can someone improve my thumbnail

ok, very understandable.

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oh. mb. that makes a LOT more sense. so like using the gims for example?
i was thinking something else bc ive seen lots of people just steal the official gimkit game mode thumbnails and just add their own text.

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Yea if you look at mine nothing is tooken


Btw i am looking for people to improve it can you or do you know anyone who could.

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people probably aren’t going to straight up change the thumbnail but might recreate it with the same concept altogether because the image you give out is a single layer. also the earth image looks very out of place…

Oh ok i didn’'t know that beacuse this is what Nixximon did to my first thumbnail


Gimkit thumbnail new floor
To This


people can add effects over it like nixximon did (and they did GREAT). and technically people like me who use pixlr can make lasso cutouts and edit stuff, which will add layers. anyways, i’m just saying.

Ok i am trying to find people who could do effects but i havent seen anyone who can other than Nixximon

i’m sure multiple people could.
i could but im bad and lazy.
i’m better with coding and stuff too…
try using pixlr for glow and shading? maybe look up some tutorials…

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Ok Thanks for the help

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Hi can you make the text on this glow or tell me how to because I don’t know how

@Nixximon How did you imporve my last thumbnail?

Sorry if this counts as thumbnail requests you don’t want to be pinged for

is there any other effects you want? I’ll get it done some time…

idk just make it look good tell me if you need the summary of the game

(post deleted by author because he forgor the title)

? Why dose it say

Did you make the thumbnail?

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yes. but I deleted the name of the game to edit it. then I forgot to actually put it back lol

the real, time-taking, no effort edit:

It’s Good But I don’t really know if I want to use it

i will do my best sir
