Can someone help on my map?

I kind of need help buliding my map because i need better understanding on gimkit creative.


what do you need help with
(note that i am bad with blocks, so dont ask me for help with blocks)


what do you need helpw ith?

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making my among us map but i got help. Thank you!

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can omeone explain how to do voting in easy words, cos i am not a computer genius…

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The voting guide confuses you? If it does, I’m happy to reword it so you understand.


I’m kind of working on my own amongus guide right now…

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You probably have already done this but make sure to give credits to the guides btw, even if you reword them. Just checking.


Not the current guides, my own system.


please that would be awesome if you got the time…

haven’t learned it… yet

ah ok. if you do at some point it would be great if you made a simplifyed guide…

You should probably ask @WhoAmI cuz their good at maps

@WhoAmI can you make a simplyfied guide on voting systems and emergency meetings and tasks, for among us?
this would be much appreciated as although the guides clearly know what they are saying, i legit cannot understnd a word…
you have been recommended for help by @CYANTIGERREGINS
this would be a massive favour
pls answer if you can!

Yeah I need the same

@WhoAmI is already making a guide, so I’ll wait for them to do that and clarify further if you still need help.

thanks so much you lifesavers
well not lifesavers, im not dying, but you get the idea

Here’s some more reliable voting guides

I’ve been pinged at least 6 times for these oneboxes, but oh well…

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