Can only regulars make wikis?

I getting curious but can only regulars make wikis?


Regulars can only make wikis.
Leaders and moderators can too but those are unobtainable.


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yes. only a regular or a mod can make a wiki

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Table for reference:

Trust Level Make own post wiki Make other’s post wiki
3 Yes No
4 Yes Yes
Mod Yes Yes
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Wait I just got regular… how would I turn it into a wiki?

(sorry for asking) (NVM JUST FOUND OUT)

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How do you make a wiki?

  1. Sorry for asking, just want to know. :confused: ↩︎

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this: … then :wrench: then make wiki

How would i know?

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Where is that at? I don’t see it. :thinking:

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Wdym can only regulars make wikis?

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It’s a trust level in the forum

Regular is a trust level


Btw here is what they can do:
Users at trust level 3 can…

  • Recategorize and rename topics
  • Access a secure category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
  • Have all their links followed (we remove automatic nofollow)
  • TL3 spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post
  • TL3 flags cast on TL0 user posts in sufficient diversity will auto-silence the user and hide all their posts
  • Make their own posts wiki (that is, editable by any TL1+ users)
  • Daily like, edit, and flag limits increased by 2Ă—

Ik what he was talking about

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This is off topic
But this has nothing to do with GKC

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no, it’s not off-topic…
they just wanted to ask a question

but they need to mark a solution :blush::slightly_smiling_face:

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i just didn’t understand the question

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Yes, only Regulars, trust-level-3’s can make their own posts/topics wikis, which can be edited infinitely and by anyone trust-level-1+. To get to tl3, you must:

Regulars must have…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

Regulars can…

  • Recategorize and rename topics
  • Have all their links followed (removed automatic nofollow)
  • TL3 spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post
  • TL3 flags cast on TL0 user posts in sufficient diversity will auto-silence the user and hide all their posts
  • Make their own posts wiki (that is, editable by any TL1+ users)
  • Daily like, edit, and flag limits increased by 2Ă—