Is it possible, where a player enters a certain zone, for a text to show for a certain amount of time while they’re in that certain zone?
Anybody know how to do this🥺?
Player enters zone → Show text
Text shown → Trigger (Delay)
Triggered → Hide text
hook up a notification device to your zone using a wire then type whatever you want it to say.
(Zone) Player Enters Zone —> (Text) Show Text
(Zone) Player Enters Zone —> (Trigger)
Set your delay for the Trigger.
(Trigger) Triggered —> (Text) Hide Text
(Zone) Player Leaves Zone —> (Wire Repeater) Repeat the wire pulse!
(Wire Repeater) When the wire repeater receives a pulse… —> (Text) Hide Text
(Wire Repeater) When the wire repeater receieves a pulse… —> (Trigger) Deactivate Trigger
Set the wire repeater to 0.0
Well zone and notification make it so the notification durationis set manuelly and there you go
Just do this
Player enters zone > Show text
Text shown > Trigger (Delay)
Trigger > Hide text
No, they want it to stay for a certain time period before it gets hidden, regardless of leaving the zone or not.
Oh I didn’t know.
When player enters zone, transmit on channel
Then, use a clock guide and have it activate on that channel
When player exits zone, transmit on a different channel, deactivating it and resetting counter
Use this guide