Can I make Sentries Move?

pls help, I am making a FNAF game and i need to make the animatronics move

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Welcome to the community! Also I know there are a TON of topics about this. Click the search button before you post.

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no you can’t there might be an update in the future but no for now pls mark a soltuion when you have one @Hector

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You can’t really move a sentry but you can activate and deactivate different sentries to give the illusion of movement. I helped @Shadow.exe with something like this he may be able to help you more.

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Welcome to the community, make sure to check gimkit-beginners , forum-beginners , and beginner-must-read . The answer to your question is no, sentries cannot move.

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You could use this

To make the illusion of them moving

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