Can I have some help on my thumbnail?

im gonna add

oh nice! the hamster is the best!

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Yeah… I am gonna have mine done by later tonight… maybe around 10-11:00pm EST

trust me it will look better! :sweat_smile:

lol I like it though

use this to get the gims with transparent backgrounds so they look better

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all better!

11.5/10 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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sierlisly though, I like it

![Screenshot 2024-04-17 151412|622x459]

Screenshot 2024-04-17 151412

Did you try to use

Hopefully it’s not blocked for you, if so, it’s a really useful website! (you might have to fill back in the tail though.)

it is sorry! fasefasefasefasefa

Why be sorry? I was just suggesting lol. It’s a really useful website! (it gives you a free background remover!)

OH! ive been doing this for a while so i think i can handle

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Screenshot 2024-04-17 4.19.01 PM

my map

oh nice! it looks fansy

ready for the almost <------keyword, look

yup, that’s why i’ve been silent, i’ve been working on it

ima work on the backround