Can I get some help on my new laser tag map?

I really want to create a cool map to play with my friends. Can you help?

What do you need help with exactly?

With what?

I’ve tried using a lot of advanced devices, but bugs show up, and I need help with his it looks

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What mechanic do you need help with

But do you need specific help with a mechanic?

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What kind of advanced devices are you using for your system?

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I like how everyone’s replying with the same thing at the same time…


Laser tag would be really hard and brute-forcy to do…

Ok how do you need help we are all with ya buddy

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maybe you can make it look like a laser tag map but you just use battle royal mechanics

Slinshots have the fastest projectile speed.

And small too

You could use evil eyes for the weapon (cause they look like lasers) and tag zones to tag people if they get too close

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I’d say zapper would be the best for a laser gun though.

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I’ve had a spawn pad glitch. Every time they start in the lobby, they spawn there, but every time the game starts, they spawn randomly outside of the arena

Maybe you could have different types of guns

It’s kinda weak tho

What’s the settings on the spawn pad

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They’re not that fast though. I think speed is the best for a laser gun…