Can anyone help me make a crafting table?

Let’s say this is your crafting table (I know it’s no where close to one but just bear with me)

Screenshot 2023-12-05 10.50.16 AM

Get a button device that connects to a teleporter that will teleport you to the crafting table (in a sense)

Then, put some vending machines of the recipes you can craft!

Also, make sure to put a teleporter to go back out of the crafting menu.

For even more Minecraft vibes, you can make a system that will have recipes unlock when you do specific things! In this case, activate certain vending machines when doing specific things. Tell me if this works.


Axes? I could do weapons, like the ones that exist.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 10.57.58 AM


This is just a quick thing that I could whip up

Here is what I made, you need 2 wooden poles(skinny, hex 0,0,0) 2 wooden signs, normall sized, a carboard box, place the signs on the top and side of the box and the 2 poles as the line for definition, add tools to the bouttom side, and a candle and a codex at the top. should look like this.
Screenshot 2023-12-05 9.56.56 AM


Yea a zapper with short-range = axe

THATS IS CRAZY GOOD! ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ me like it


Is my mechanics good too?

Thanks, its a roughdraft, only took me about 3 minutes. But Im glad you like it.

Thats great!! maybe I could combine my Crafting Table top with your crafting table!

You could, i just made the desgign, not the mechanics, the can use a vending machine, that requires certain items and together try make one itm, like crafting.

HER?!?!?! ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤsus

What do you mean her?

You changed it. It’s OK. Typing error…

how to make that black line

you use a wooden pole, the skinnest one and shrink it and color it hex 0,0,0.

i still need the mechanism (besides vending machines)

button, teleporter to room with vending machines that requier items to make items. You can’t take items and give items back with out a vending machine.

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I forgot how to do that can you show me?

use this guide, and its in the settings of the device.

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