Can anyone help me decorate (infiltrate)

correct and if u have that type of time then pick it up if ye want plus im only at 400 coins and im at 11070 of weekly xp

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Oh. Yeah.
I canā€™t get on at all that week.
My parents wrath is the reasonā€¦

Dang, thatā€™s ruff. Y canā€™t you play at home?

my parents also have reasons like i am on the computer too much

My parents donā€™t care what I do. As long as it doesnā€™t bother them.

Iā€™m about to get the season ticket to solve that problemā€¦
If I had $5 to spare, I would get it for you too, @PLAYER1, but unfortunately Iā€™ll only have $3.67 left on my debit cardā€¦

I really want to help you, but Iā€™m afraid I just got my allowance yesterdayā€¦
So to get another $3, Iā€™ll have to wait until next Wednesday.

Man! If only I got $5 per weekā€¦
Thatā€™d be awesomeā€¦

I can get it for you!

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Just give me the link!

so are u saying that u cant help or saying that u cant make the thumbnail for the game?

: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

Are you foreal!!!

Yes. I have my credit card with me at school, luckily.

i need to go see yall tmrw

I can do bothā€¦
Just not next weekā€¦

Just give me the link to buy it.

oh alr thats fine to me

see yall tmrw and keep having ideas

Can you give me the link so I can buy it for you @BountyHunterX?

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Yes. But give me ten minutesā€¦
I havenā€™t hit my game time yetā€¦*
Thanks so much, though!!!
I canā€™t believe youā€™d actually do that for me!!!
Youā€™re the too!!!

*It will start in about 10 minutesā€¦

oh dang. thatā€™s a road block

There are other requirements. Not reading and writing.