Can anybody please help me with my Gimkit map? Right now I only have the outer edge of the skeld done, and I am currently working on the outside edges of the rooms, so after I can work on the insides of the rooms

You need to make another help post since this one is closing

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itā€™s closed? I honestly did not know

Itā€™s fine, youā€™re new here.
If you look towards the bottom and it saids
This topic will close 3 hours after the last reply.
It means this topic is closing.
We should stop replying nowā€¦

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Well I not new here I just got an account

My badā€¦
I sometimes assume thingsā€¦
Bad habit, :frowning:

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nah your fine but I am kinda new on my topics and stuff and I also created another one

If you are still on here My name on padlet is Nature_Boy_Drama


thanks I really appreciate it

can u post the URL please

sorry for the late reply, im on vacation and i shouldnā€™t even be on here but i am. SO what part of the map can i help you with?

the whole skeld part and I really really love your tutorials

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Thanks and ok what parts do you have and you have to start with the cafiteria, its the base for the size of the map. i can see if i can get the dementions of the cafe if you want.

@WolfTechnology Iā€™m tl2 thats nice!

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I Can Help! If You Want Me Toā€¦

plz that would be really helpful

plz that would be really helpful if you could do that

i can help you @Nature_Boy_Drama16

with the skeld map in gimkit?

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