Camera smoothing?

My game has been experiencing some issues in the past two days. While playing, the waypoint text shakes around when I move around the map. I have ruled out refresh and memory issues as the cause. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? I am unable to provide images/videos.

I think this is just a problem from the recent updates… i guess just be patient and wait for it to be fixed


Does it still not work? What’s wired to the waypoint?


I have had problems like that, mainly when I knock a sentry

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The waypoint gets activated on a channel coming from a button and then gets deactivated by another channel with a different button. Nothing else.

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If I make a waypoint it looks shaky too.

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The screen for me just shakes in general,but they might patch this out

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Can you check to see if the issue still happens for you? We pushed out a fix regarding the camera today.


Hey Josh, the issue seems to have been fixed now. :slight_smile:
By the way, thank you for the new updates added to creative!!
(I tested it on mobile so the result might be different on computers or other devices)


My waypoint is still shaky…
IDK if that’s just for me tho.

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I checked, and it doesn’t seem to be fixed. I am trying to provide a video.
(I am testing on computer)
Thank you for making Gimkit and Gimkit Creative!
Edit: I am unauthorized to share the video. Sorry. :frowning:


Wait, I think it’s fixed now.

Yes, record a video and send it to

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Do I record a video?

If your game camera is still acting up, then yes. It may give them a better understanding.

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No it works fine. It really smooth.

Ok, then you don’t need to. But @Grey_Stone, please mark Josh’s post as the solution.

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