Call to action bug, anyone else have this problem?

So right now i have a popup, and on the first call to action is to unlock a barrier if you pay money, so it was working not sure what happened, so the first call to action is connected to a channel to a vending machine to attempt to purchase named “unlockcraft2” and on the vending machine, there is a channel for when item purchased transmit to and it is connected to the barrier, and its under the channel name deactivates when receiving on, and the channel name is “unlockcraft22” below are the setting for the pop-up, vending machine, and also the barrier.



Did you already try refreshing your game?

yeah, i opened and closed it, and still…

I don’t see anything wrong…Maybe somethings just wrong with the channels right now…Sorry

maybe try using wires instead? @bluebird291

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Are “unlockcraft2” and “unlockcraft22” the same channel, was that a mistake?

they are supposed to be separate

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well what is the things you need to purchase? do you have those? and also, make make a channel for attempt to purchase failed (temporarily) just to see if it even attempted purchase, from there you can see if there are more problems