[Californian Mini Guide 🤏] How To Show the Amount of An Item at the End of A Game Using The End of Game Widget

Once again, I’ve seen a lot of people asking about this in particular, and so before anyone else does, let’s just put this inside of a guide! Now before we get started, let’s see the devices we will need!

Property x1
Inventory Item Manager x1
End of Game Widget x1
And wires/channels!!!

This is pretty easy. As before, place down a PROPERTY. Name the property “Items.” Don’t also change the settings, and it should look something like this:
Items Property
Items Property Settings
Now place down an INVENTORY ITEM MANAGER. Go to the Properties tab. Choose the Yes option and choose the property “Items”.
Inventory Item Manager--Bait
Inventory Item Manager Update Property Settings
Place down your END OF GAME WIDGET. Have it on Statistic, but on the SECONDARY LEVEL. Set the text to Items. Now you’re done!
End of Game Widget
Screenshot 2024-02-09 1.05.26 PM

Now you’re done! Set the item to whatever you want! :tada:
Love’s out! :slight_smile:

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You should add a difficulty poll


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I think it should be 2/10 I don’t see why it would be any different


This is in MAP OPTIONS already.

Using an end of the game widget, though.

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Or just use the map options.

That’s for scores. You can do this seeing what only you have at the end of the game.

You mean, where it says your name on the leaderboard and your score?
That’s what I mean.

Oh, you mean not for scoring, just to know?
