Buttons on players screen

how do I add buttons to players screen?

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Game overlay. If that’s what you meant. And change Game Overlay type to button.


where do I find that button at?
there’s a lot I don’t know even though I started making gimkits a while ago

Device section, find the game overlay.
Go to type of Game Overlay, and change it to button.

Continuing the discussion from [ :scroll: ] The Ultimate Guide To Every Device Part 1!:

does that allow like those blue buttons on screen for players to do stuff like refill like from SNOWBRAWL and other types?

I read that and I never really messed with channels because I don’t know what they are (I’m self taught I did not know about this website when I started)

what do you want the pop-up to do?
I mean game overlay/button.

I want it to allow players to refill their health

so wire the game overlay to a health granter, and then set it to however much health it grants. or you could do a regeneration effect.

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so basically with any granter I can do that and that button will go on screen?

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yup, and be sure to mark a solution.

@zeldakid143 you need to mark a solution, it’s the checkbox for whenever your post was solved.

so the one you sent me the first one I marked as the solution is that what you meant as in mark what was the solution for my question
and thank you wait.what.626Youtube

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yes. And have a good day! (whenever you mark a solution, mark the post that helped you the most)

one last thing how can I invite people to help me make my gimkits? if that even possible

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yes, you can go on the site called wix. the link is below. go to the code sharing part, share your code, and get feedback from the players

i’m logged in I had to get back to class so it took me a while but are in a group? if so which one?

what do you mean?

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