Bug with fragility in Platforming modes

So, I was knocked back and for some reason it still kept me knocked back and then immediately stopped, fell, got hit again, and essentially soft locked.I don’t know if this is bad player design or if I’m just not good at getting out of these, but yeah.
Also, I’m back after several years! :partying_face:

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11 months ago? Welcome back.
Try reload and check your internet connection, it looks like a network issue to me.

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Welcome back Try to Check the devices or internet connection it happens to me a lot.

WWEELLCCOOMMEE BBAACCKK and so am animation bug or wut

um idk what you mean by that but a gif of what happened would be nice
cuz this seems to be lag related but to confirm it’s a consistent and problematic bug
we need visuals

It’s not lag related, it’s literally just trying to keep me knocking back like the movement but against a wall, so I’m just stuck in a corner until I fall, and then get hit up again.

look like lag🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜

“Eleven months” lol

5 months for you soo welcome back