Bug - Copying Text

When copying more than one text device at a time, if any of them has block code, then the code will move over to the copies of every other text device, even if they didn’t have it before.

  • Original (Green)
  • Grouped Copy (Red)

    Honestly, I feel like this bug is better off unfixed, as I’m sure it might prove useful to someone eventually, but Gimkit can patch it if they want.
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That’s very interesting…

Good find!

ngl thats kinda cool

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Just retried, now blocks don’t carry over onto text that did have it before either, it must have been fixed or it was a one-time thing.


There’s a annoying variant of this with triggers, where if you copy a trigger with block code ad another device at the same time, the trigger loses its block code.

Probably to prevent the bug that happened with the text, I’m guessing.
It also probably depends on if the other device can use block code or not.

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