I want to make a box PVP map but i dont know how to make it so when you press enter the wall pops up but if you press it again the wall disappears for a second
I want to make a box PVP map but i dont know how to make it so when you press enter the wall pops up but if you press it again the wall disappears for a second and i dont know how to
Oh, wire the barrier to a button, and then make it disappear, and then make it so that when the button is pressed again the barrier shows up.
how do you make it so when you make it disappear it waites 2 seconds and reappears again
probably make when the button is pressed it then makes another barrier show up when it past 2 seconds.
If button clicked, make a wall show and deactive this button.
Make that button deactive a new button. Make it so if you click that button it hides a button, but it also goes to a trigger with a delay of 1 second to show the button and wall again.
If you need more instructions, Iām happy to help!
aw kinda lost my solution on accident but why should I care lol its just a number
by the way earlier today i published a 6v6 map do you want to try it i will yell you the code
deleted it immediately
you cannot post code or showcase link here
my old map is better but that account got banned
Welcome to the forums!
but why it is just a code
The forums are not meant for sharing codes. If you want to share codes you can go to the wix.
This place is for help anything GKC related questions and discussions, please read the community guideline
thank you.
sythic jumpscare
ok fine have a nice day
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