Board games map thumbnail

is the poll open? if so where.??

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no some people are still working on it including me but I’m on the lineart so I’m almost done

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Gonna do that thumbnail now

Gimme 1 or 2 days to finish it thank you :3

One more question, can I include chessboards? It’s basically a board game too :chess_pawn:

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Okay done! Sorry I was seven minutes late.

Wait you must be veryyyyy far away if twelve was 14 hours ago, next time I am going to put my time zone…

umm okay just dont go tooo in depth with it because it is not in the game.

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Need more then one vote guys…

I’m almost done bro gimme the entire day and I’ll be done!

No, no it’s a vote every two days so you have awhile it’s going to be like a bracket chart so July 30th at New York time zone. (it would be 4 now)

I am sad as the top five topics are thumbnails… :face_exhaling: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Need more voters!

I’d vote but there’s only 2 thumbnails and one is mine so

it’s ok i didn’t have much time today anyway

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Ok, but what is the other board game? Like there is risk and monopoly, but what is the last one?

? it says it battleship!


Hey, awesome thumbnails so far!

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Koromant activity??? Lol

Hey, yep. I just got back from inactivity.