Board Game Help 2 [Different Action Space Ideas]

For My Board Game, I Have No Action Squares. Can Anybody Think Of Any? Think Kind Of Like Mario Party, But DON’T COPY
Put Your Answers In The Comments!! : )

Anyone? ._.

erm, maybe like a portal space where if you land on it, it takes you to the other corresponding portal.

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You could add a lose a turn space where the player is frozen for a specific amount of time.

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A roll again space, where you roll again.

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idk. That’s my best. Or jackpot, get free cash.

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Bowser Time RNG Square. You land on it, it decides between a couple different options at random that all hurt the player.

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a conveyer belt space that moves you to another space when you land on it

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A mini game space that when you land on it you must play a mini game.

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