Blocking sentry weapons causes problems

Also, I wanted him to be on team two because he is going to be important later.

Ok sorry that didn’t work. I was tossing out an idea I thought that worked. Oops

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It’s okay. It would work but I just need another idea.

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Maybe put a barrier around the sentry and use a prop that when it’s destroyed, deactivate the sentry?
(You could use a prop that blends in with the background on low opacity.)

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Yeah, I did that but for some reason it went through the prop. I don’t know what happened. Also the player has to walk up to the sentry so I can’t put a barrier on top of it.

Was the barrier collision on? The setup works for me on my end…

Well, it works but the player then isn’t able to walk up to the sentry.

Put invisible buttons around the barrier to trigger the quest.

Ok, thanks this works.

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