Block code help: Property loops

hm, confusing. so which would work better for a clock or time situation?

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In a time situation, a counter would work better. I would say that because along with being capable of doing everything a trigger can, except the collision and less memory usage, it has functions that make up for that. For example, being able to show the number (which is specifically what I want to point out, in a time situation, counters would be the best choice, heavily on this mechanic) is something a trigger cannot do.


ok, and that would still allow it to complete a function when counter is reached, nice.(hey I new something wise about a device!)

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The loop will repeat however much the property is

I don’t want one loop per second.

is a property, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yeah, I know, but do you know if the loop will reach a maximum limit?

You can buy an upgrade to increase the amount of times the loop repeats, so, no. There is no limit to how many times the loop will repeat a second

If so, then you’ll need numerous counter loops that activate and reactivate.

Can you explain more

This should help:

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BUMP, I don’t understand what everyone is saying here. I need the solution.

Basically, your loops will have to activate and reactivate different counters once the loop has to add up to over 300.

I don’t get it

What part do you not get, recursion or the mechanism?


what are yall talking about

We are talking about this

i hears somthing about a loop thats it

ohhh thanks @gimmaster12345 now i understand

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So basically the easy version of recursion:

recursion mean. no loop more dan 300

And then you’ll need multiple counter loops that activate and deactivate each other based on the property. In a trigger, you’ll have the property broadcast on different channels based on what it is. Seems pretty simple to me. Got it?

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