Bitwise operations in gimkit

Oh- I needed to make a display for part of my secret project.

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I am a very young kid, so I might not be much hlp, after all, I was in elementary a couple years ago. Let me read the wiki again

It’s impossible without recursion (not according to me, but to a professional software engineer I know).

For starters, bitwise operations are under binary algebra. Computers have native support for bitwise operations because computers are at a bit level when doing operations to begin with. (the bits are mapped to one another to begin with)

Considering this with recursion isn’t too complex. If A and B are one (in the case of your question), then it’s a one. Elsewise, it’s a zero.

To prove this can’t be solved with algebra directly, consider this. “Algebra does not work directly on the binary representation of numbers, but on more general concepts.”
You can’t do a bitwise operation algebraically because bitwise operations are not defined for abstract symbols, only for binary bits.

You can also think about how the formula for the AND operation you listed at the beginning of this post is identities of a machine representation rather than integers.

I’m honestly not completely sure how to completely prove it with math that it can’t be done without recursion, but I do know for a 100% fact that it can’t.


Yeah, that was what i suspected, but i recently graduated from ELEMENTARY, so i didn’t want to state it as a fact because i am young and still have stuff to learn

Yeah binary algebra isn’t really part of any main math program (which is why Blackhole hasn’t covered it in pre-calc).

You might cover it in engineering (as in engineering the actual devices) or in advanced computer science.

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there are 2 main loops
for loop
and while loop
while loop is just whilst a variable is less than, lets say 5, do this, and the loop stops after the variable is more than 5
a for loop is a loop where u inout how many times u want it to loop
is that right
if not
imma fail my gsce oops

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Yeah that’s right. (Technically a for loop is a type of while loop that keeps a running counter on how many times it’s run, but the gist is right)

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I knew about loops and while loops and ifs and funcs (I code using swift) but i never knew what you just wrote!

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thanks to @getrithekd and @Epi320 for making my day
night lol

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Wait I just realized how exactly this became useless once text operations came out…
Idk but I’m pretty sure you can remove the clay-institute flag Blackhole. It doesn’t exactly change what you can do at this point…

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Oh yeah @Blackhole927, I finally found the websocket :slight_smile:

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I feel the power lol.


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Nice- but the actual placing of the devices is going to be difficult to figure out. For scale, it took 2 people a month to figure it out, although I expect you’ll figure it out faster than me and wend0ver did.

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My editing ability is up, so I can’t. But yeah… although I’ve been ignoring that fact for a while, that’s true and someone should probably remove it.

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Dearest Blackholus, when are you going to propose a new clay institute problem? We’ve all been waiting!


overlap +mod+=+mod+overlap=56649.6/6^n

and the problem is just a sequence of 1s and 2s but you can convert it into 56649.6 if divided by 6^n


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@jjnitzan here.

what is that exactly?