Bitwise operations in gimkit

Hm. You mean multiply by a constant and see how the binary digits change? That would require converting to binary, which requires a loop.


Maybe decimal is enough…

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

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The addition of text operations has made this problem pretty irrelevant, seeing as text operations do everything bitwise operations could, and are much simpler.


So mark a solution?

No. I asked a question, and I’m gonna get an answer, or have it be proved mathematically impossible, however long it takes.


Your back on the Forum! (yes i am like super late to this.)


@Blackhole927 do you still think that this could work with decimal?


I think it has a chance of working, but I don’t know where to start with it.

Let’s go casewise with x5.

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You know… I’m not sure if this is clay institute anymore, seeing as it doesn’t unlock a bunch of new possibilities within gimkit if solved anymore, due to the addition of text operations.


I think it could be considered resolved becuase we basically have as close a solution as josh said we would get with text operations.

Sorry but I may be in intergrated math, yet this is bambozling me

I’m in AP Precalc at the moment, and still haven’t learned this in school so far. It also confuses me a lot- I’m still not entirely sure how this equation works.


UGHH math! I need a break.


A bit off topic but When I was younger I would play with caculators.

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Yeah I don’t blame you.

On another note, I’m considering closing this post, since it’s not being worked on and is now filled with nothing but questions, no answers.

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Note: this comment might be the last post i make on gimkit forums

im pretty sure its now possible to convert numbers into base 2, and with a little more thinking i might be able to apply bitwise function operations on them
i just need a way to store digits and compare digits (pretty sure this can be done easily with blocks)

although if this doesnt work, perhaps case by case (solving by hand) solving would be the only method of solving these types of problems