Ben’s version of a timer for the game host!

Never Mind. @Blackhole927 Close this duplicate please.

bro i understand you i still want to know can you move it back to guidelines w/o it being flagged

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I don’t have the answers to everything, you know?

For @adagio_sostenuto

I played the game in ur bio btw:)

i understand i thought you were able to know that

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No problem:)

thanks for tring to hlep me tho

Yeah sorry guys my bad

You shouldn’t feel bad, there’s nothing wrong here. I don’t know why people get so uppity about duplicate guides. It’s not preferred, but duplicates aren’t the end of the world unless you’re directly copying from another guide. Don’t let people get you down:)


Thanks bh. I don’t feel bad, I know they have good intentions. It should have just been replied in the help topic it was for anyways. I had a feeling this would happen, so it wasn’t a huge letdown. I just got regular too so I can’t feel bad :smile:



I’m glad the next regular was an actually useful person


@Blackhole927 why are there now 51 TL3? What’d you do?!
(half them aren’t even active…)


I know Right?! What Happened?

Ummm… The next regular? There is a lot, including me. :slight_smile:

WolfTechnology is now a member!?

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I’m the next regular, and it was not because of a glitch. tehehhee
Also, don’t reply anymore, just look at the guide if you need it.


yeah he is. maybe because he was offline sometime.

still waiting to get regular…

cyna tiger only

off topic i know me too i am also waiting @CyanTigerReigns

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No, look at his bio.

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Oh, how he was gone?

Bumpity bump bump… Bumpity bump bump… Bumpity bump bump…bump bump bump bump… BUMP BUMP!

If you say the bumps in the right timing i made a bump song lol