Bedwars Notification System

I need to know how every single time an item spawns on an item spawner, it sends everybody a notification saying it spawned

On the item spawner, have it broadcast on a channel when the item is spawned. Then, create a notification saying “An item was spawned”.

thank you! now that i think about it i feel kinda not sm@rt, thanks

it doesnt have that option i just checked

Then add a block in the item spawner, and set it to when item is spawned, broadcast on channel . Will that work?
Also, is it an item spawner or granter?

Show a pop-up that is global/everyone can see. There is a setting (I think there is)

it is an item spawner

Yeah, but it has to be activated on the item spawn.

Okay, give me a second.
Did the block coding option work?

True. You could use wires though

Okay. I have an idea. Because the item spawns in intervals, make a trigger that has that same interval. When it reaches it, send the notification

Does it spawn in intervals? Just make the trigger activate when the item spawns, I was so sure that that was an option.

Yes it does spawn in intervals

i set it to spawn every 3 minutes, the only other settings is amount of item and respawn scope

You will need to use repeaters then. Triggers don’t have 180 second delays

Screenshot 2024-11-19 11.29.23
Screenshot 2024-11-19 11.29.05
Notification settings
Screenshot 2024-11-19 11.28.44
Repeater settings

but how will the repeater know to not start the tasks again until someone picks the item up?

Let me try to figure this out. I have like 20 minutes so stand by

Here’s a guide!

This isn’t for spawning items though…

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