Battle royal thumbnail

Please i need help!!! The thumbnail has to have fire and lasers, and gims jumping away from it, and the games called golden blast royal

I have a zoom call for people who want to help

Pretty sure that isn’t allowed on this platform

Ok i will help :smiley:

Yeah i think snoopy is right. If you want people to associate. Just private message them on another platform or email them/ask on the wix site. (Very sorry if this is rude in anyway.)

Hold on bro you are muted

Delete that its 100% NOT allowed o the forums


Ok guys im sorry about that

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And you need to give us a bit more detail on the thumbnail so we know what needs to be in it ect. (Again very sorry if this is rude in anyway.)

It’s ok! Your probably didn’t know! Just mark a solution and wait until it gets closed! No need to be sad or guilty!

Sorry if my tone sounded rude i mean :dove: Please delete thi, it is not allowed on the forums :dove:

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I think you can keep the post up! Just delete the comment you made on the zoom meeting thing! And maybe edit the rquest to give more detail on what you mean. @ThatYT

Time to try something new and use canva for the first time because handdrawn is not an option rn

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Can i please have some details for the thumbnail?

  • Gims you want
  • setting
  • background
  • name of game

Ok so i want it to have an a bunch of fire and lasers with gims jumping away from it

I have GTG, sorry @ThatYT

The name of the game is golden blast royale

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so… is there any more details or just go wild?

Go wild bro idc its supposed to be crazy

And maybe you should edit the topic so that it says what you want. So no one has to scroll through messages to find it😅 (just saying :>)