so for 2 years ive had this gimkit side project that ive made with freinds no not through code sharing like in realife well anyways it has alot of biomes and a boss and enemys side quests and its also pvp it also has crafting limited tho and a hidden secret also a aprilfools joke i left for newplayers once its published and i need a thumnail requirements
axle swimming in the water next to an ihland with sunset diamond crafting on the ihland and a a little sqaure in the corner showing snowmuff checking the cameras
also this map takes 99% memory
As an Artist, i’ll like more information for your thumbnail pieces so I can make an
very accurate thumbnail that you like. Your description is a bit too vague
Sorry to be a Grammer police its Island
name summary
you start the game solo or with freinds you get your first free weopon the first biome you will enter is snowshire where you fight snow monsters for cash and better weopons you can then from their go to sandy shores forestshire and a crashed space ship each with their own enemys crashed spaceshiphas a bossfight sandyshores you go on a quest to get a pirates truesure back and earn half of it the forset you can gain wands you can buy weopons with cash then after you have enough you can buy a key to the swamp and fight swamp pirates to get to the main boss skellyington mcham you fighthim to get 10000 cash but if your lazy just pvp your freinds extras a wotking camera to spy on people a cinima walk where you fight robots that have not legal cash you get that cash bytheway and also a crafting table and also a litttle working arcade machine next to rainbowroad and if you tarvale off from the main map you find a secret million million million dollars cash
setting was in the description
gims are specified axolotle swimming and sunset diomand crafting along with snowmuff checking the cameras author @sebarex
also i have all A in ELA but i do not give 2 gims about grammar
Ok fine. When is the deadline
um how many weeks from level 37 with only 15000 max xp would it take to get to level 50
sorry if im wasting your time cusit not publishable i just wanna get it done with and ime bored btw cus i finished allmy maps
its 1 week with the levels you describe provided you gain 13000 XP
I can try with the thumbnail, I don’t know what’s going on I’m lokey to lazy to read it all. but I can try making a thumbnail for you.
The forums are not a chat. Please refrain from off-topicness. @twofoursixeight can you kindly remove some of the posts.
This topic was automatically opened after 13 hours.
perfect for this topic and request @c0smo can you edit the thumbnail submission i need it and its unloaded
ill use this as the thumb nail
So…would you kindly change this to Help and mark a solution?aka c0smo’s post? really like the art btw.