Barrier Art [For the Best artist award]

when did @Blizzy kick me and where?

How about you make a barrier art image of Josh and Jeff? That would be cool! :sunglasses:

I’ll try that.[1]

  1. that is what i was doing yesterday, its about 5k+ barriers ↩︎

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you need barrierr art ideas well some throw away ones you can go nostolgic and recreate some old gims, or you can make some cool new gims out of barrier art, or make the gimkit logo in it (these are throw away ones)

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It’s too many barriers. We won’t be able to do it. But we have a new idea now… Not telling!


now im asking you should have not added the last part

Even if you do

I said that. SO yeah

but now you have people asking (as in just me)

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