Badge Farming topic disscusion

we need to talk about the badge farming stuff contuing from this

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badges yeah sure it something you can earn and even earn to get new TL aka trust level but now i think people are starting to badge farm to either get them all or get more TL and i don’t know if it allowed or not any ideas or questions?


If people are farming trust level 2, you can always ask staff to alter their TL down from 2 to 1.

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Most people on the forum who are not new know this, but it would not be bad to remind others of this. But I know what you are refuring to and badge farming has never and will never be a thing in the GCF. So please don’t call out, (even if you don’t mean it) other users. And you quote above that was written by @wingwave just says that you don’t need badges, it does not really support you claim so you might want to fnd a better quote to back up your argument.

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well (not actually trying to call anyone out but) we really need to know if it safe to badge farm or not and after carefully reading the terms of services 2 times now i didn;t see anything about badge farming and there could be a chance we could be allowed to do it or a chances we not allowed to do it.

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once again not calling anyone out nobody did anything wrong or did something to start this.

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this is just to know if badge farming is allowed or not please don’t think i calling you guys out!

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to define this, no its not allowed, but if you like 50 post in a day on pupose to get a badge, no its not badge farming, just like if you get badges super quickliy like i did, on my first day on got 7 badges. But if you ask others to to lke you post, that is considured badge farmng. So it is very weird but really its not allowed but its very hard to do.


shouldn’t this be in help? It’s not really a guide, more like a discussion.

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This isn’t a guide though, and not a psa, maybe land this into devices?

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pick one @LxmasHaxTakis and @Vortex-Mist

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I say it should be in help since it requires the help of people to have a discussion

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ok ima reslove this quckly so there won’t be an arguement between @LxmasHaxTakis and @Vortex-Mist

about if it should be in help or device for safety reasons ;-;

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Why is this a PSA?

(I got mentioned so many times)

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we were talking about if badge farming is allowed or not


Is posting forum invite links to here to get three badges considered badge farming? it does not really take place on the forum and does not require much interaction similar to crazy in love


Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying. I had previously not had heard of the term, and what I thought it meant was getting badges quickly, not purposely speedrunning and doing random things to get the badges. Sorry.

Can I delete some of the tags from this?

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Please do that!!!


Removed psa forum-tips beginner-must-read wip and ideas since none of those fit this post.