Backward Bear's Rithekd Clacian Myszian Wavian Haiasian Name Checker System | Difficulty: đŸŸ©

It’s just that the title is really long. I don’t think that anyone would have a problem with putting the credits at the start of the guide instead of in the title because people usually put them at the end, you’re still crediting them, and you came up with the idea.


Try to explain the block code a little further and add some more pictures, and more explanations for the devices.


How though? I became really bored and stressed out when I first published the guide and I don’t really want to change it. Could you please tell me what specific areas you want to be changed?
Backwards Bear

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@VALUEX I don’t understand what is wrong with my code. I wanted to add another player checking system to check some more names, but it doesn’t work. Is there a way to change that?

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You should explain by block what each one does because a guide isn’t just about guiding the reader, but it’s also about teaching the reader.

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What exactly isn’t happening?

I am getting banned even though I am one of the unbanned names. Maybe you can only have one name checker.

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Make sure you’re spelling your name exaclty like you have it. Your system itself is good, so I don’t thing it is that, although you could have a minor bug, you may have forgotten something. Even the smallest things can break something massive.

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I did since I am the host. Here’s a picture:

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I don’t see your name on the if statement(for allowed names), so I think that’s the issue.

@VALUEX I did create a new channel and create two separate triggers for the name checker system.

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Oh, so then you duplicated your system, but changed the names?

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This is a very odd bug, I may have to enter the game to undertsand this more, or you can send me more pictures.

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Is this pregame or ingame?

It is ingame. Should I create a separate help post on this? And to answer @VALUEX yes I added another layer of name checking.


Maybe you added a space on accident, at the end or behind the bear?

No look at post 28 there were no spaces.

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Pretty decent system, it is definitely great in some aspects such as in blacklisting certain usernames, perhaps adding a way to concatenate usernames by incrementing an index through properties that hold name values would be able to condense more names within the block limit? Or having a manual way to blacklist some names but in most situations this system would be good as gimkit is rather small.

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I don’t understand what this guide is for.

it is a guide that has the name of all the guide like it, edition wise.