Aura cutscenes?

How would I make aura cutscenes for a Sol’s RNG type game?

like if you pulled something rare you’d get an animation like this:


I didn’t play that event, were there cutscenes for getting pets?

Well, some showing and hiding of barrier art?

maybe. but wouldn’t that hinder other players view while they are playing?

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I don’t know but that would most likely be a hard thing to do.

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Yes, most likely. Unless you teleport them to a specific dark room for a background, then teleport them back to the spawn. You know what they say, if you can’t fix it, call it a feature.

wait. omg :man_facepalming:

there’s camera points in the game.


Well, I mean, that IS kind of half the cutscene animation process…

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i could definitely do the animation, it was more of a how to put the cutscenes in

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Well, I hope you get only the best of those animations. (Almost all of them look VERY good.)

Also, @Snoipuh, Please don’t. Even though most of Roblox these days is all clickbait, badly designed games, escapes, and obbys doesn’t mean that RNGs are bad.

Also, this topic is resolved, so…


I made a guide to a cutscene I do not know if it helps you.


You could use a camera point if you don’t want the player to be there, just for them to see it…

We came to that conclusion 2 hours ago :pray:

please read before answering


Oh, sorry. I didn’t see that part. I’ll check more thoroughly next time!

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