Art Library (Nothing Inappropriate) Post Here

I’m typing in the middle of class now did you make a guide for your battle bus

no, I am also in the middle of class to

without instructions and tints this is a showcase which can get you flagged

Listen to this advice

ok I will do it now in my free time

ok good luck on your guide

I am done now with it

good now you can put it on here for people to see

should I add another tag to it?

if you don’t understand tags let the regulars add it for you

I don’t know ask @Foxy

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I also added a poll to it

what is a poll ???

look at the bottom of my guide

A poll is like questions

ok thanks I don’t know a lot of the things that are said

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me neither I’m also new

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now all you guys can place your art in the replys

well we have to put a guild too ( I think )

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look closely at it, you can