Are these lobbies cool?

Vote for if they are good, and if not can you please tell me how to upgrade?
(Just ignore the code parts)
Screenshot 2024-05-16 2.32.45 PM

Vote for how good the lobby is.
  • Amazing
  • good
  • okay
  • oof
  • B-A-D
0 voters

Vote for how good the lobby is.
  • Amazing
  • good
  • okay
  • oof
  • B-A-D
0 voters

(This one is a mountain)

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Vote for how good the lobby is.
  • Amazing
  • good
  • okay
  • oof
  • B-A-D
0 voters

Screenshot 2024-05-16 2.35.40 PM
Vote Here

Vote for how good the lobby is.
  • Amazing
  • good
  • okay
  • oof
  • B-A-D
0 voters

Thanks for voting!

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These are all awesome

I recommend moving this to Art.

i agree with @JohanGim

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The first two are okay and the last one is good! Great job!

Thanks! also I thought the art catagory was for only thumbnails?

The first few were ok then they got better

The mountain one you climb up and then fall down, after looking into space, their are also portals around the sheilds.