Anyone have a good tut on a sideways throne?

I need a sideways throne for one of the boss arenas in my game, ty if yall have one

That is a prop idea on the Nolt, though…
10065? Not sure…

What is the Nolt?

The link…
It is GimKit’s suggestions and feedback website, which runs on Nolt.
You can post ideas there. I don’t have an account, but I do know:

  1. Search before you post an idea
  2. No Spamming
  3. Be nice, detailed, and organised in your suggestions

Okay ill do that, ty

I’ll make one!

Yellow is 255, 213, 0
Red is 193, 21, 21

First put a long barrier. Next year the middle add another. Then, make it into a chair shape. Just do the yellow part first. After, put a red layered behind the yellow (using the layering button in the top left near the eraser) and after use this emoji to put on the end of that one yellow barrier. :yellow_circle: . After, use this emoji :crown: to put on top of the throne. You should get similar results.

Hopefully this helps!

Edit: Do the same thing with the red on the wall of the throne to make it look better