Anyone give me ideas?

Can someone help me with some ideas for my blox fuits game? Its called “Gim-Fruits” so far i only have islands pirate starter, jungle, desert, and snowyvillage (unfinished)
Here aare some SS so see wht the game looks like

pirate starter



Secret Places

In the game there is 2 secret areas you can go in the first

In jungle its not that hard to do just go into the leaves of a tree and it will teleport you to the room where you can fight the boss “Divine Outlaw”

this area is also simple you just have to walk into a sand pile and should teleport you to a room where there is a note saying “In a shed, On my bed, Find a way, To open the way, It might be hard, But you can get far” It hints to a shed in snowy village where you have to go in a shed find the bed and a note will tell you how to find the “Divine outlaw” in Jungle

Please help me on some ideas it will help alot


this seems kinda like a showcase as you showing what you already have doesn’t seem necessary.


this is a showcase (kinda)


You could a a magma/lava area


oh alright its just some things to show what someone chould help me add or edit something thats already made


You could create a cave system map


you got me a idea i should prob showcase this if i can

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How is it a showcase?
In fact, it’s much better to show what you’re starting with and your map and so people trying to help can build off on what you already have in their map, it’s not that easy to build off something when you don’t already have an idea of what you’re trying to do, it’s like going into a creative map with nothing but ideas for the mechanics or art for the map.
Mechanics and Art are the things that make up a map, take just one of them out and you’re already at a disadvantage.
A showcase is when somebody posts pictures of their map without needing any help whatsoever.
This can also apply to guides that have only pictures of their map.
I don’t want to turn this into an argument, so let’s stop here.


i like both of your ideas that you came up with


good point. :+1:

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i chould add that as a secret area in a map


There’s a ‘snowy mountain’ -type island in One Piece(what Blox fruits is based off of)!
It’s where they found Chopper, I’m pretty sure, so maybe add a snow mountain area, and a witch doctor if you want!

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ohhh drum island(one of my fav arcs) i chould work on that yeah

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Maybe even add that one factory fruit(I think that’s what it’s called).
The one that the big boss uses in the show.

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ohh the munch munch fruit i call it i kinda don’t know how i can make it without giving a item like a zapper or something

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Maybe like having metal props around each area with buttons that only activate for people with the fruit?
They could be ‘eaten’ to regain health and shield

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:rotating_light:grammar police moment x2 :rotating_light:
its could and tired

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oh sorry LOL i don’t see my corrections cuz im tierd rn

thats a good idea i LOVE that

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Is this supposed to rhyme? If so, maybe go with ‘find a way, to open the gate’ or something other than way
Or maybe ‘find the page, to lead the way’ since it’s a note.

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