Any Tips For Making a Parkour Game?

I’m making a platformer game, kinda like parkour civilization, with escalating difficulty levels. I’ve made levels 1-3: Level 1 is a dropper, level 2 is a regular prop jump, and level 3 is fox jumping. (I believe it’s called fox jumping. Here’s the pic of it and let me know what it’s called.

Any tips on making a platformer? I could use some.


i would use this perhaps


It’s called slope jumping.
Anyway, maybe try some pseudo wall jumps?
like this

(Notches in the walls allow for a slight foothold.)

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Slope jumping?
Not fox jumping…
Make sure the slope is within the slope jumping range, if it isn’t it won’t work…


  • layer your terrain
  • add details (ie props) for decorations…it looks kinda bland rn
  • your slope jumps would probably be harder if you made them all the same slope, not so you can land in between them…
  • lore?
  • search up platformer tips, there’s a lot

Make sure your game has good grammar and looks good. Do not mix up prop types…Test your game too.

Yay that’s it.


(Post deleted by author)


Can you show us the other levels?
How many levels are there?

2 words for you troll level

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Thanks, guys! All these are really helpful.

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Bye leaving for school

No. don’t.
Troll levels are pure annoying and only gives your game less playtime and engagement.
Levels that mislead the player into doing something that oofs them.
like this:

(the zone oofs the player and the barrier above has a tunnel built into it to pass)
@LandynSPEEDO802 this is an example


lol what do you mean by troll level?

Fake floors and disappearing platforms
And maybe some hidden oof zones

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