Any Ideas for my Cops and Robber Games?


#bypassing 20 characters

No problem @Dark_Hydra !

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They can pickpocket players and sentries/npcs


In this game, you can make it to where the robbers will try to pull off various heists while the cops will try to stop them. The game can have different modes such as capture the flag, escort mission, and more.


Oooh, interesting @SOME_RANDOM_PERSON ! I will try it out!

This will be helpful when making my game @leo_flowers ! I will add these into my game!

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Thanks for all the replies! I’ll add your ideas into my map and credit you!


make the cops side more technical maybe
and the robbers side like a warehouse
very dirty
cardboard boxes and maybe like dirt

Also, add broken stuff in it and tons of cash.

In a pile, maybe near an open vault. In a hidden place.

There are many things you could do! You could add different vaults and things across the map. You could have a secret passageway from the robber’s side to another area across the map. You can give each team a different ability. You can add powerups. You can add hiding spots (for example the robbers can hide in bushes). You can add tag zones so the robber is safe in their spawn. I hope some of this helps!

You have to find a hidden door in the shelves. Oh yeah, put some cash on shelves.

Maybe if you added papers everywhere for the robbers, and file cabinets for the cops

Graveyard, but you can dig up the graves. One of them has cash stuffed in the coffin, but if you dig the wrong one the police get a notification that there was a disturbance in the graveyard.

Maybe @Princess2216 could use the robber secret passage way to escape the vault.

They can pickpocket players and sentries/npcs

In this game, you can make it to where the robbers will try to pull off various heists while the cops will try to stop them. The game can have different modes such as capture the flag, escort mission, and more.

I have an idea how about you use vending machines around the maps that you can hock up to speed modifiers so players can get speed upgrades to get faster. And maby like a red pepper that you can buy with a special ability.

Thanks to @RektRainbow, @Dark_Hydra, @Here_to_help, @leo_flowers @SOME_RANDOM_PERSON, @Chuck72 and @FrostyPenguin246 for giving me some of the greatest ideas for my cops and robbers game!!!


Thank you for making this game! Someone’s an awesome person… #U

Dangg those are all the ideas? wow. so many…

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Glad I could help! Thanks for crediting me! Good luck on your game @Princess2216!

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Yep, everyone wrote something in it to give the game great content, @leo_flowers !


I have an idea how about you use vending machines around the maps that you can hock up to speed modifiers so players can get speed upgrades to get faster. And maby like a red pepper that you can buy with a special ability.

No problem @FrostyPenguin246, thanks for wishing me good luck on my game!


I agree with @FrostyPenguin246.
Also, thank for the credit! If you use emojis in the credit area, use five smiley heads in a row.

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Nice idea @Chuck72 ! I will add your idea into my solution!

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I also agree with @FrostyPenguin246


Everyone, 8 people just made what is to become an awesome game of Cops and Robbers!


Yep, @Dark_Hydra is right. Also, stay tuned for my game, you might find it :wink:

And I might credit you in them!!!