Any ideas for custom bosses?

Any ideas for custom bosses for my Dungeon map?

hmm you could make them plants

That’s kinda overdone tho…

A giant sentry wait for it… made of sentries


A jailer or giant knight

MIND…BLOWN! That’s Crazy man.



A sentry that’s a spider or some other bug.


Okay, I like that… I like that a lot.
Like a big spider.


Yeah. Exactly like a big spider.

did you already check out this guide?

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yes, I have its pretty good, I was just looking for more stuff

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Hm. Well, one boss you could use for a dungeon type game would be either a dragon, or Minotaur; you could also have goblins for mini bosses or things like that.

you could also use knights or other types of medieval type characters for bosses.

going along with the theme of a dungeon type map, you could also add skeletons or other monsters that’ll attack you randomly.


@C-C that is a really good idea🤯

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Maybe a ogre boss with green goo running down its face


Maybe like in Zelda, you could do bosses that are themed around the style.
Or maybe a big boss that splits into mini bosses for you to fight.


@GimGulp1 thats also a good idea!

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that would be very cool

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Thanks! It literally made me think about Ganon and the Blights in Breath of the Wild…
speaking of which, someone (not me) should make a BOTW game in Gimkit!

go play my Racetrack, Fashion Show, and Wixsite Simulator (they need plays and are cool) (shameless self promo be like)

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I going to test a way to do that in my save

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ooh that would be cool
post on here images of the finished product