I’m making a DLD that is climbing mount everest.
It will start out as grass and then become snowy at the top.
I am open to any suggestions from anyone!
Maybe each difficulty level changes the terrain of the mountain. Like grass = easy, dirt = medium, rock = hard, and snow = super hard
You can look at games to give you inspiration like Ascent of Mount Snowy, Mt. Fuji, etc.
To make your game exciting and fun, I would suggest including different hard obstacles, using props to decorate your map, maybe characters that the player could interact with. A unique name would be good too, since there are so many mountain ascent games in gkc.
There are many great guides you can search for to help you. Good luck!
Also, I saw you created a topic for a thumbnail request for this game. I think that you should finish making it first, then request a thumbnail, in case you quit the project.
Thanks for the ideas!
@qwjkgbnk I am going to wait until I finish the game until I add more about the thumbnail.
Also, by “characters that the player could interact with,” do you mean sentrys that say things or something else? Just curious because there are so many cool things people figured out how to do in gkc that I never knew about 'till now!
I think either one would work. Whatever you think fits your map the best!