Another question, for my game

yeah, just scroll down in it’s options, then find the option transmit when out of energy and make the game end end the game when it receives on that channel

just trying it on my own real quick

is the movement meter for 1 team or both

1 team becuase if it is for 2 teams then it will end the game when team 2 runs out of energy

yeah, just do what I said.

movment meter deactivated on default
make the team chooser activate the movement meter
make the movement meter broad cast on “end”
make a end game on end


that didn’t work just tested or then might need another player

you may be on the wrong team.

I forgot to set teams so I think it works

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Okay good, be sure to mark a solution if it does!

okay thanks for helping

When actually playing the game will it show game over on the screen

It should when you end the game.

ok good thanks for the help

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