If you read near the bottom, there’s talk on me making a cave. My very cool, awesome, great cave mountain thing did not save. It has not for multiple times. After I triple saved, it worked. But after the bugs, it actually wiped the work I did on the cave, setting it back to 0.
I did a triple save even, yet it didn’t work, at first it did, but then nope
(I know I saw a sent a request)
This isn’t anything major for me as it was just design and props but I’m really annoyed since it takes like 10 mins for me to refix it all (each time too)
I haven’t actually read any of those recurring bug forum topics. But is it the one where you click the code as the host of a gkc map and then it just errors out?
no it’s just that when you try to enter creative a big error message pops up
and I just found this out, it’s new and I know because this hasn’t happened until the crashes happened. But correlation doesn’t mean causation but still kinda linked together
the bug/crash is gone now but my map save (over an hour wasted on remaking my cave )
you might just have to build it. From now on, until the bug is officially fixed, I recommend saving your map manually every minute or 2. I’m not really good at these bug topics tho so I would wait for further comments.
wait how quickly did you save and did you close the window before the (map successfully saved) prompt
another thing to note is did you lose internet connection during saving as that might’ve caused this
(edit: also how may times did the (map successfully saved) prompt appear)
first time I saved three times and was afk for 10 minutes
i’ll just take a break until like 4pm tmrw at est and continue building- by then the glitch should be solved. Won’t mark solution yet so I won’t have to make another topic just in case I have to talk about this again.
ah ok I think this might just be some thing that I’ve experienced before
sometimes my sentries would stop appearing in game if I tested it
you might be experiencing this same thing but with the hill thingy
a good thing todo is test ur game every so often
Oh yeah! Some times I add too many props in a time period and then when I test it, there are no props. There’s just like an illusion image of the props being there when in creative mode but not during testing.
When I tested it it was there, it was just I relaunched gimkit creative to make sure it was still there, I close the tab after waiting a minute, open up GKC again and my map, and it’s gone.