Animatronic movement

Mobile for Gimkit is pretty decent, you can shoot backwards

that or just have tochscreen pc, i have that and can aim one way and shoot the other with out the gadget moving.

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This is why I don’t like answering fnaf help questions. ALSO, cuss words. Remove them please.

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I flagged it already, must be trying a ban speed run tactic. but yeah i tend to leave those to the newer users, they tend to go off-topic, a lot.

I don’t think it was a ban speedrunner. Chompy has been on the forums for a very long time to try and speedrun now. Also I’m going to bed. Goodnight. Please don’t discover anything groundbreaking in the next 8-10 hours.

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I know that, thats why i said tactic, not a ban speedrunner. And GN.

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It depends on the type of random distribution you want. If you want a distribution like a bell shaped curve, then clicclac’s solution works. However, if you want all times to have an equal probability, use this:

Make a number property called “Randomized Seconds” with a default if 0. This tracks if you have randomized the time already. Next, make your trigger’s blocks check if “Randomized Seconds” is equal to 0. If so, set it to a random integer (there’s a block for that) and broadcast on the channel to move. Next, make it subtract on from randomized seconds. Then, add a block that broadcasts by on the trigger’s channel. Make the trigger have a 1 second delay.

Also, sorry clicclac…


What did you do? I just wanted to sleep…

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Does anyone have pictures as an example? :sob:

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