An pretty simple way to make a speed boost overlay! (Pics coming soon)

I didn’t find any guides on this so, here we go.

What You'll Need

2 game overlays
2 speed modifiers

The system

First, take the game overlays and set it to “Button”. For overlay 1, make the name anything, like speed up or sprint. For overlay 2, make the name anything you want it to be.

Then, “When button pressed, transmit on SpeedUp” (overlay 1) and, “When button pressed transmit on SlowDown” (overlay 2).

Take one of the speed modifiers and set it to whatever speed you want to achieve, and make it active on SpeedUp. Take the second speed modifier and set it to whatever you want to be (Note: make it SLOWER THAN THE FIRST ONE!) and active on SlowDown. Then, wire the overlays together and make the Speed Up one say, “When button pressed show overlay” (Speed Down shown)
Then, " When overlay shown hide overlay". (speed up hidden) Finally, make sure the Speed Down is wired to the Speed Up one saying, " When button pressed show overlay" (speed up shown). And " when overlay shown hide overlay (the Slow down one hidden).

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  • 10/10 :skull:
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Sprinting exists, and the whole thing is pretty easy.
How is yours different?

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well then, if you couldn’t find anything like this, you didn’t look hard enough. there’s a whole sprint-mechanic tag.

No wait, there’s literally a tag of sprint-mechanic on this.