An efficient ranking system for racing?

I made a Mario Kart-like game a while ago, and I am thinking of making a ranking system. My current idea is to have a bunch of zones connected to counters, however this would either be very resource-heavy or mean your placement might not update immediately, which would also affect items, or both. Would there be a more efficient way to do this?

Edit: The tracks are too bendy for me to be able to use the coordinates device efficiently (I think).

Edit 2: Yep, this method is too resource heavy. I can’t use it due to the property limit.

zones every 2 tiles, instead of every tile maybe? cut down on precision, but it’s gonna be difficult getting help here lol, you might wanna try the discord too (if you have it)

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That’s actually a very good idea, considering I could use a channel for the zone exit as well. I think my tracks might be short enough that this would be very efficient.

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You should probably have all of the items placed down stored in a text property. Use this and the new player coordinate device to see if somebody goes over a banana or something.

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I’m not worried about the items yet, I just wanted to get the placement system out of the way.

I don’t get what you mean by placement system. Do you mean placing items down?

I mean a ranking system, like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Oh! That makes much more sense lol. I suggest you use lasers to detect if a player has passed a corner, rather than a zone.


I just realized that this message was answering a misinterpreted version of my question, but it still works.

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