Among us trouble

so i made an among us map but I want it to where only the imp can acess the room

umm team switcher and a barrier that deactivates when a team member gets near

wdym i rly dont know

Make the player that you want to access the room switch to a different team so the barrier is invisible to them.

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can you add images because it sounds hard

Remember to mark a solution. (If there is one :grinning:)

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idk how to upload screenshots on this

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can you please add images

I can if you want.

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there isn’t one leo still needs visual help

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please and thx then Ill mark it with a salution

Okay I will do it.

I’ll let you get this one

just give me a minute.

alright! thanks so much!

Okay, Thanks.

:racing_car: Please slow down your discussion! :racing_car:

This may devolve into chat if continued. Which then someone will flag.


well our comunication is shorter
we are still talking about the topic
but saying shorter sentences
the thumbnail posts are what you should be worried about, it gets more off topic
but you aren’t even talking about the topic tho

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please hurry I need it in less than 5 min

make a barrier that blocks the entrance to the room deactivate if you are the imposter